The "Bearded Slave," the most refined of the four, is in position against the left wall as the third statue. Almost fully executed save for the hands and one arm (which probably should have held a piece of cloth), this figure remains unfinished. A thick, curly beard conceals most of the face. Binding straps for cloth reach up to the thighs. It is in works like these that Michelangelo's almost unearthly gift for anatomy comes to life in an intricately sculpted torso.

The name Bearded Slave is derived from the thick beard hiding the figure's face. It is the most refined of the four, particularly in carefully carving out individual torso muscles that make it evident that Michelangelo was studying and admiring human anatomy. Besides, the solid legs of the figure are bound by a band, a motif common in Michelangelo's Florentine sculptures.

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